4-Week Challenge: Week 2 Progress Report

Hello everyone! I’m excited to share my progress for the second week of my Blender challenge. This week’s focus was on modeling and geometry nodes, but my journey took a slightly different path as I delved into procedural workflows and coding. Initially, I spent 4-5 hours creating a low-poly scene, which was a great way to ease into the week. Following that, I decided to explore geometry nodes by following a tutorial....

April 11, 2023 · 2 min · 253 words

4-Week Challenge: Week 1 Progress Report

Hello everyone! Today marks the last day of the first week into my challenge. It was a great week for blending! In this post, I will give a short update on the progress, a couple of decisions I made, and how I applied these to the initial challenge structure. As I mentioned in my initial plan, the focus for Week 1 was on sculpting. I started off by sculpting a basic human head, which proved to be a great warm-up exercise for the rest of the week....

April 2, 2023 · 3 min · 596 words

Week 1, Task 2: Lessons Learned from My Hand Sculpting

Hello again! As I progress through the first week of my 4-week Blender challenge, I’m excited to share the results of my second project: a realistic hand sculpt. In this post, I’ll discuss some of the things I’ve learned, the hardships I’ve faced, and the best practices I’ve discovered along the way. Workflow and Techniques Multires Modifier: I found that using the Multires modifier workflow significantly improved my sculpting experience. Sculpting Workflow: I’ve established a workflow that works well for me when sculpting complex objects: Start with the Remesh modifier to establish the general shape....

April 1, 2023 · 4 min · 677 words

Week 1, Task 1: Lessons Learned from My Human Head Sculpture "The Thinker"

Hello everyone! I recently completed a human head sculpt, The Thinker, as part of my 4-week Blender challenge, and I’m excited to share the results with you. This project taught me a lot about sculpting, and I’d like to share some insights, challenges, and lessons I’ve learned along the way. During this project, I realized several important things: Anatomy practice is essential: I found that my knowledge of facial anatomy can get rusty if I don’t practice regularly....

March 28, 2023 · 3 min · 546 words

My 4-Week Blender Challenge: Pushing My Skills to the Next Level

Hello, everyone! As you may know, I’ve been learning Blender for over a year now. I’ve followed some tutorials and created a few projects of my own, but I feel like it’s time to push myself further and take on a new challenge. To do this, I’ve created a 4-week plan that focuses on different aspects of Blender, such as sculpting, modeling, animation, and coding. In this post, I’ll be sharing my plan with you all, and I hope you find it inspiring or helpful for your own Blender journey....

March 26, 2023 · 4 min · 757 words